Friday, January 10, 2014

Every Day

Yes, every day is so wonderful or not so wonderful, or even awful or even a catastrophe. But this is no reason to stop doing things every day, in order to feel better, to feel human, to feel selfish. Here are some thoughts arranged as a list, things or activities you could try to do every single day of your life. It could help, why don’t you try?

Every Day

Every day... 

wake up and feel blessed that you didn’t die in your last sleep (yeah, people die while they are sleeping) and you still can move your fingers and toes...well men could possibly try to move something else.

go to the “special” place and relieve yourself from the liquid, and a smile - a huge one.

brush your teeth, the feeling is great when you feel them as shiny and clean as they are after the toothpaste did its work.

hm, think and excite about something the day is going to give you - it’s in front of you and anything great could possibly happen.

 enjoy the breakfast, feel the proteins and carbohydrates filling out your hungry body. And think about this: “I have food, many people don’t!”

help someone on the street or on the bus, or anywhere else, just to see the face telling you “Thank you!”And the ray of pure positive energy.

do the thing you most enjoy, no matter if it is: cooking, playing football with the guys, going out for a walk, play with your dog, drinking beer in the park or anything. I’m sure YOU have something that’s right in your heart and makes you every time you do it, happy!

dream, dream, dream… there are no restrictions  for dreaming yet, so take advantage of it. Dream of your future life, your future job, your future home, your future travel, your future world.

if you love sweet things, then you should absolutely have one every single day and after eating it make this sound “Mmmmmm”… great, isn’t it?

tired, bored and with a desire to sleep, go to bed and relax your body… relieve yourself from the pain, the negative energy and tiredness captured the whole day.

before you fall asleep keep saying “Tomorrow will be a better day!” 

Just enjoy life

And… and… and many other things: for some it could be a date, a prayer, a cigarette on the balcony, a movie before going to bed or in the bed, eating pasta or spaghetti, or dog  meat (  don’t laugh or disgust, Vietnamese love dog meat)… or ANYTHING. The only thing that really matters is to enjoy it and to do it every day. Then you won’t have the right to say “What an awful day!”

So, lighten up – the world is not the best place to live in nor the worst!
Thumbs up!

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