Tuesday, May 13, 2014

On The Bridge

How long and lifeless was the bridge that day!
There were no one but a castle of shadows
who lingered there, with no mouths to say:
what was, is, will be in the future battles.

How grey and shrunk the sky looked!
The clouds and the blessing rain were took!
Just sitting there, no eyes, no mouth, no ears.
Not impressed by the falling of one’s tears.

And the wind was nippy, cutting, cold.
Reminded me of days of winter, wicked, old.
Like hands - offering a poisonous embrace
no mercy, no love in the air or sign of grace.

Couldn’t breathe, see, hope, dream, think
not even sing, talk, caress, or  drink.
Stupefied, frozen, eyes couldn’t blink.
Vision blurry, head down, life was sunk.

Just another shadow lurking in a corner!
And the wind is even getting colder.
The sky, like Hades, is getting darker.
On the bridge, there’s one more walker...

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Thursday, May 8, 2014


 Славна дата иде, народе, слушай и чети!
На 25 май всичко живо, па и мъртво, ще се преброи.
Кой червен, зелен, син или Якобс три в едно -
Или пък кафяви, защо не, като някое л... дърво!

Как с носталгия ще сме всички ний щастливи,
че изборите ще оправят главичките ни тъй унили.
Че пращаме в Европата, ние най-достойните!
Тук пък, българите викат, били най-долните!

Голям, още по-презрян, е единият ни големец!
По далавери, корупция и пари е първенец!
Какво е обещал, не знаем ний простите, Делян,
ако в Европа той влезе, милият ни дебелан.

Друг – белокос деец – пък Европата ще той громи.
Защо отива там, се питам, като много му смърди.?
Но казузата братска, лъвът Волен отстоява.
Страницата ни на Русия, той ще подарява.

Има пък един – цветен и различен той е всеки ден!
Като хамелeон си сменя ежедневно своя тен.
Таблети, бедността ще бори, Барека обещава нам!
А лукзсозно си живее той, ама без никакъв свян!

Ах, забравих, как можах, един истински Мъж!
Станишев, на ПЕС войводата, светъл ми е като ръж.
Как сладко той ласкае, подкосява дамите над шейсе.
Но умът му трескаво мечтае млад жребец да яхне!

Е, избор, колко да е избор мили мои братя и сестри!
Усещам аз, макар и глупав, че ни правят на сърми.
Нали си имаме достойни, наши, за какво ни е Европарламент?
Знам само, макар и глупав, май ще стане евроинцидент.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Сънят е мой гост

Унасям се дълбоко, сънят е мой гост.
Кръвта ми - френско вино, вдигам тост!
„Да се слави твойто име и твойто царство,
измамен Господар на благото слово.“

Но, защо ли, питам аз, точно ти- 
измамен ангеле, с коварните очи, 
си моят най- желан и чест гостенин?
А усещам, ставаш мой душманин!

Словото ти е красиво, златно и омайно.
Но отвътре - мрачно, подло и коварно.
„Сънят съм аз, церя всички човешки рани!
Но играеш ли си с мен, може да боли.“

Ах, излекувай мойта рана, дълбока!
Като ранен звяр, със съдбата си жестока.
Бъди мой другар, приятел, просто спри!
Болката ми вътре, някак изцери.

Други стихотворения:

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A letter

“Dear Sam,

  You’re the only person I’ve got left! Everyone fled when they understood! You know what, only you are there, like a star in the cloudless sky, for me.  Only you will understand, only you know how it feels. You are the last person I can share my pain with. Sam… she’s gone! She’s away! She left me. She fled like the others… Do you know how I feel now? Can you only imagine what is it? Hm, Sam, it’s April and outside is snowing! Perhaps with you it’s not, seems the weather suffers with me, it feels my thoughts. What was I telling you... yeah, I think this is the last time I write you. No, don’t struggle, you know you can’t stop me, you are the only one who knew me - no one else: my parents live in another universe, my friends - on another planet. Haha, nooo, I am not going insane, I just realized I don’t have any friends… I had Her. She was my God, my goal, my destiny, my life, my friends. She was the meaning of my existence… she was the haze after a summer storm. Only memories, Sam, only memories for this is the purpose of memories: to abandon the present, to leave “now” and to seek into the black, stinking tunnel of the past. Memories hurt, if there is a Satan, he is the memories. Memories burn, memories make you feel drunk and sick, sick of this never-ending tape… how beautiful she was when I was lying on the warm sand and my feet were caressed by the waves. How beautiful was her scent when I was running in the pine forest, my lungs were full of pine-cones, resin and some strange scent of some flowers, my eyes were filled with green, brown, mushrooms, little stones. See now, memories only burn your heart. Sam, Sam, she left me, she was taken away! What? What did you think? No, no… what girl do you mean? No, Sam, I wasn’t talking about a girl. You know me! I am not so superficial, damn! I was talking about her - the Freedom. The most beautiful, magical, fabulous and meaningful thing in my life. I lost my Freedom, you fool. What is love to an eagle without wings, what means a beautiful girl to an artist without hands? This is what I lost…

Now there is only darkness, endless gloom, no light, nothing and bars… scary, cold, iron bars. And people, many people like me, people who lost something. Empty bodies which are carried helplessly in the mighty spring torrent. No air, no hope, no future, only… bars.

Sam, now you understand. She is not here, because this is the only place she can’t live. And I did it for her, because of her I am here. I just didn’t want to lose her and she fled! Why, when we appreciate a thing so much, it is often taken from us? Or we take it by ourselves, or we are the ones to do it - no devils, no magic, no cruel gods? Don’t answer, no one will ever read it. This is the last verse of my song.


the one who loved Her”

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Живот сред стихове

Устните ти - предзнаменование.
Дъхът ти - най-сладкото ухание.
Пред очите ми - заслепяващо сияние,
надеждите ми - силно упование.
Спирам, не дишам - а дихание 
в ушите ми, а в ръцете ми -  писание!
Нежно, бяло кокиче- моето желание,
да цъфне пред очите ми - прекрасно е!
Щом те няма теб до мен - терзание
а сянката ти бди, спомен отминал - страдание.
В шепите си сбирам сълзите - ридание!
Но стиховете лея във реката - творение.
Водопадът на живота е моето спасение.


Friday, April 11, 2014

I Need This

Here, my friend, is my true appeal!
Are you there, is your presence real?
No, no, you didn’t understand a man.
This is not the  thing I want, but what is then?

Don’t look at me like this, you know,
just listen to your voice, once you saw!
Don’t need your money, pity or favors,
nor to stay with me in all the dangers.

I am not asking for your kindness,
but to accept my unique madness!
Don’t give me your life, you will need it
for life is a path - long, full of sadness.

Are you ready to listen, to obey my friend?
I'm not your master, but a man with a heart.
All I need is Love, let this be a happy end!
You and me on the way to the brightest Star...

Other poems:

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Искам да избягам

Не мога да избягам, а искам да избягам,
надалеч, някъде на свобода нека излетя.
Като птица дива, в облаците чудни да се рея.
Никога да не видя отново таз непоклатима стена.

Свободен съм, а не съм, страдам някак.
Не мога да дишам, макар да имам бели дробове.
Задушава ме таз душна мъгла - всякак,
как да увия в плътен плат мойте страхове?

Как монотонието се е ширнало като зимното поле-
голо, студено, безразлично е и сивото небе..
Искаш да потънеш в  лятна влага и бризът морски,
някак да избавиш своите мъки в дебрите горски.

Аз искам да избягам, но краката ми ги няма!
Тъпа, черна, неприятна е сега мойта рана.
Свободата, загубих, другарката ми мила,
живот не е туй, нямам дори и малко сила.

Четирите стени, мрачният затвор - страшен е!
Да легнеш на студената земя без никаква надежда.
Страстта ми няма я, а тунелът - празен  е!
Сам със себе си, а мъката ми - тя безбрежна!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Because... I believe

I write because I want to, I write because I like it, I write because I believe in the one Word, in the words which have something divine within!  I believe because believing is faith, and it is the key that unlocks any door. I believe because it’s better to do so than not to believe.

How easy it seems to believe? Isn’t it the most difficult thing at the same time? Believe! And do you? No, dear readers, not in the Bible nor the Quran, or not even in Christmas, just believe in one thing no matter what it would be. But you can’t, can you?
Personally, I don’t  believe in the Bible, I don’t believe in the sanctity of the Church either, I don’t believe in these god-anointed priests, nor the whole clique “close-to-god” people, but it doesn’t mean I don’t believe in my God. It doesn’t mean you can’t have your own, though you don’t believe in the thing you’ve been told to. Faith is not a thing to require but a choice, another choice we ought to make.

The world is a foul place, hostility, discrimination, hunger, wars, getting worse and worse, right? I believe this is about to change, I believe in the beautiful soul music, believe in the great Olympic champions who symbolize the strength and willingness of human nature. I believe in mothers who raise their kids, believe in childish caress, laughter, hug… I believe in the things I want to, and I overlook the things which don’t exist in my world.
Good or bad, to take offense or to laugh, to make a gesture or to neglect, to plant a flower or to kill a little snail - you are the one to choose. Love or Fear - you decide which one to believe in. You choose your God, because the world you live in is the world you have created: you choose the sets, the inhabitants, the colors, anything else even the gods.

To believe is a matter of choice. I made my decision, the rest is up to you!

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