Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Let Them Colors Speak

What is waiting for us outside? Inside? There? Here? Probably the rainbow will transcend over us and will wrap us with its multicolored palm to show the answer which is: the colors! They are everywhere, they are eternal and endless, they bring good, bad and what lies between them. If there are no colors, there is no life, no here, no there… only the black hole of non-existence. Let’s dive together into the deep and incredible coral reef of colors and find all the specter of precious stones!

Yellow… it is just the color of joy and happiness, the color of yellow sunflower fields. It symbolizes unfading and never-ending summer, this color carries within the impulse of unconditional happiness, childish honesty, the moment when you jump and cry out of pleasure. But yellow also carries the tenderness of daffodils. 

A scarlet Rose has proudly thrown out its chest, for there is no one who can resist its temptation. Anyone who passes, remains enchanted by its charisma and lovely scent. The Rose is red because it carries within the passion, delight, bohemian life, the smell of expensive champagne. Just like the Rose, the red color is treacherous - it has prickles disguised under the veil of sensitivity.

Blue, sigh, blue… how cool is the breeze coming from the blue sea which is so crystal, like a mirror - clear, a place where you can see your soul. Doesn’t the blue sky make the soul release a moan praising God, praising the expanse, praising the immense horizon where even the Sun goes to rest.  Blue brings blessing, freedom and feeling of divinity.

Green is the color of one of the most spectacular and beautiful creations of God. This is the color of Nature and its power, fertility, eternity. Can you imagine this saturated green color of a tropical rainforest, so green that it seems surrealistic. The green blades of grass which are full of life, full of minerals and proteins in a hectic rally to supply first this Nature’s magic. Green represents Life, Nature, wealth and feast over death.

White is the color which symbolizes purity, kindness, compassion, the human in men. Clouds, white and fluffy, as if coming out of a Grimm’s tale create a feeling of paradise on the Earth. You wish you could touch them, weave your fingers into this purity, in this soft and plush bed. Isn’t a white, gentle and shy snowdrop a messenger of good news? 

Brown is the one that carries the land, the soil… how magnificent the plowed field looks, awaiting its depths to be filled with seeds. It brings warmth, the unique and beautiful colors of cocoa, walnut and cinnamon. It leaves traces of land, soil, family coziness and warmth. It symbolizes also hardness, stability and friendliness.

Paris, May, all is green, the scent of flowers is everywhere, the early summer is here and the city is full of Love. Yes, and the most romantic part in Parsi is the sunset, a sunset washed in crimson pink caresses.  The color of the Sun that is going down, buried in a blessed softness, the color of romance, the color of nights of drinking full of pleasure and Love. 

Only yours,


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Saturday, March 15, 2014


Though I have  home, I am homeless.
Sorrow, happiness - both I have met .
My head is book, memories and pages
for the days of past, days I haven’t lived.

Why is that, merciful Dad, tell me?
Like an  ant, wild, I am wandering!
Days, years, centuries, pacify me.
I have  home, why I’m homeless, I’m asking?

Where’s the comfort and the distant peace,
I want to find, the yearning- it is forever
I search, but lost in life and feel the breeze.
I have home, but  will I be homeless ever?

Tears are not passing me by, one is rolling
down my cheek that I will never find the home!
As a blind man amongst the crowd - wandering,
I will be lost, sunken and one day - turn into stone.

Other Poems:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Морски миг

Наскоро бях няколко дни край морето, ето какво видях, чух и почувствах!

Вълните галят пясъка

Протягам моята ръка, напред да пипна,
в този див и вечен танц да вникна.
Как главата ми омайно се замая,
а очите ми нежно, тя леко притваря.

Седя на пясъка, потънал в  мекота,
дюните до мен ми шепнат песента
Дълга, тиха и безкрайна като сладостта
да не свършва никога, желае моята душа.

Плисъкът отпред - дихание,
разнася се нежно - ухание.
Дишам, аз дъх не си поемам!
Ухае, а парфюмът не усещам.

Очите си не искам да отворя,
ушите ми да чуват плисъкът пак,
да виждам, чувствам и говоря,
а душата си отново да затворя с капак.

Оплети ме и недей ме пуска, чуй
апелът мой, аз ти викам макар и шепна.
С мидени черупки и пясък ме обуй
вълните да галя, в морето да приклекна.

Други стихотворения:

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

If You Feel Happy

I love listening to music, we all do, well certainly there are people that don’t, but… who cares? When it comes to music I’m really a chameleon… I’ve changed a lot during the years - from the black, depressed heavy metal teen through the crazy, wild hard rock dynamite (special greetings with TNT to those who understand what I mean) up until the profound, lyric and deep soul music at the age of 23. Right now I have a different attitude towards music - I just listen to anything and if it touches me, I just like it. I don’t really care about genres, styles or whatever. Carpe diem, as my crazy new-yorker friend Lori Griffin Morra says, or grab the moment and the song, and feel blessed you have ears to hear it and brain to understand it.

I’m not a fan of Pharrell nor I will be, I remember him long time ago, but it doesn’t mean that I won ‘t like or appreciate a song he made. I’m talking about his song “Happy” - a commercial bomb which exploded a couple of weeks ago. I heard it… it grabbed me, I watched it - it made my day! I was whispering the chorus “Clap along if you la-la-la-la” while I was in the bus with tired, bored and unsatisfied people. I just loved this “clap along” and I want to suggest you several others clap alongs than  those chosen by Pharrell. 

Clapping man!

Come on people clap along if you see children playing hide and seek, remember the passion, the adrenaline you felt trying to keep yourself hidden. Be a child again, you know it’s lovely.

You see street dancers, they are f**** crazy, wild, making things you can’t even imagine. Stay there and just clap along, this is the only thing you can do. Well, you can give them a couple of coins, right? And start shaking besides clapping.

You see an old couple, very old and they are holding each other's hands… wow, you thought this existed only in the tales. Clap along to those birds in love, bow before the might, power and endurance of Love.

People say “Your job is boring, it’s low paid!” But you like it, then you can clap along and have fun, you can even go outside and start singing  “Clap along if you like your boring job.”

You are nudist! The beach is lying in front of you, hot, burning, and the water offers it’s soft and caressing hands… clap along and meanwhile take off your clothes, this is the way you like it! You can even shake your… legs.

Coffee+coke+chocolate= death… or at least that’s what doctors say, but I like it so much (yes, I am talking about me) and after taking this drug I clap along one day, one night and one hour.

Clap along if you feel lucky enough to have room with a roof and walls. And a bed, and a kitchen and a bathroom and food in that kitchen. Now you realized how much you’ve had.

Clap along if you love life, clap along any moment you feel happy. Spread the word, be the word through action, live and be the change you want to see.  Feel free to rule your own world, life and destiny and never forget - other people also have theirs, respect it as well! I am leaving you people… clapping and singing.

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