Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Friend

How, how you never saw?
Just once, my fellow old.
The truth inside my eyes-
only the longings of yours.

The Truth – pure and crystal, white
as the light of a sunny day.
No, it’s not dead, it’s still alive-
living, breathing, keep it stay!

I was out of mind days and nights,
roving, asking, I became a brute!
Trying to ask questions, ideas rise,
but no answers, they were never true.

Is my path the same forever,
in a Universe, deaf and blind?
Or to find the Death is better,
to understand my unrequited mind.

And worms will be those who
will deeply penetrate inside me.
My mind, my heart, even to
a memory of days behind me.

Deep and heavy shout out of me?
Or just to close this cleft where,
it comes from – the endless world of me,
Now an ugly, black wasteland there!

Look, look, my friend, into my eyes!
Don’t look at me, but begin to see.
See and understand what in human lies,
smile and sit, one eternity next to me!

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Why Is Coffee A Friend In Need

 Have you heard the maxim “A friend in need is a friend indeed?” I guess you have, you are smart, aren’t you? People usually find and make friendships out of people, different animals, imaginary and fictitious friends, dolls, books, anything you might think of! Well, I just want to write about something I consider my friend - the coffee – yeah, the black, perfectly smelling liquid which wakes up the half of the 7 billion population of the Earth. No scientific details, substances, whatever, that proves how healthy or unhealthy is coffee. I just want to share several moments with me, my coffee and… you. Such an intimacy!

A friend in need is a friend indeed!


“The Sun is shining mercilessly, telling you “Wake up, it’s 8:00, time for work!” You are tired, you are sleepy and let’s say, you aren’t very fond of your job. You are feeling like you are getting out of the morgue, not your own bed… but there is a little hope tickling you – the coffee. It will give you this life-giving impulse to face the routine. Well, after the first cup of coffee the world seems a whole lot better place.

“You are a student… you have an awful exam tomorrow, you have no idea what is it about, you feel like an Earth man on Mars. But… suddenly a great idea crashes into your burdened mind – let’s make a coffee and relax, and sit down and start reading and… I can make it tomorrow!”

“ You got back from the beach, took a shower, now you just rest… your body is still burning, but you are outside, it’s afternoon, everyone is napping, you feel the cool breeze caressing your hairs, sheltered from the sun… and you order a coffee. Completeness, the perfect relaxation, a dream that already came true.”

“Sitting on your desk, using your PC, but your brain is blocked! You can’t answer this email, it’s boring, it’s stupid, you want to suffocate this pretentious client… have no idea how to answer! Hm, you think, let me take one coffee, maybe I will think of something… and like the best friends are supposed to act, this black liquid takes you out of the darkness, makes you forget and gives you something that no one else can – unlimited horizons!”

“Late summer melancholy has wrapped the whole landscape. The sun is saying, quietly and magically, goodbye to all people, trees, plants and beasts. You’ve just arrived to an unknown place, and the locals are staring at you. You know this very well, you’ve been a traveler all your life. And you know how to turn this curiosity into а friendliness. You just sit next to one of the people and say “Hey, you want coffee?” A little smile starts cracking the ruddy face…”

We all do!

I really love coffee – the way it looks like, its effects, the way  it smells, these moments when it was my only companion. And I know where and when to find my friend in need!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014


 Смятям, че дължа на другарката тази "чест"! Дълго време беше пренебрегвана!


Накратко майка, татко, викат й Мая,

с таз личност, хич не смея си играя.

Ще пиша аз в нейна почест, в нейна чест,

че борец за правда и свобода тя е днес!

Вижте, чуйте моят слаб и тънък глас!

Във възхвала оня червен и дивен бяс,

разфучал се из Народното като във Версай:

ще беси буржоата, да знаеш, тя до край!

Кой не знае тази мисъл, говор, привидение?

Всеки ден излиза с ново, гениално творение,

другарката Манолова е туй… а койтo не знае,

и цял живот няма да му стигне да се кае.

Фамозната, опозицията викат й, ах, подлеци!

Работи неуморно, един от много мъдреци.

Да си пръв сред мнозина в оная партия столетна,

макар и живял  в двор с външна тоалетна!

Но Мая, партизанката, не брани с пушка,

а с ума си сразява врага ни до шушка!

Ето, никой не ще оспори нейната заслуга,

най-важно досега: държавата е вече друга!

Половин година, мъчни дни и нощи,

през дъждове, снегове и пот среднощни,

тестото меси, другарката, на Изборния кодекс!

Нобел заслужава, че изцери народната ни болест.

Край, свърши се,  с държавата приключи!

Не, не се разпада, това няма да се случи.

Държавата изчезна, но на нейно място застана

народът български – на Мая булка той пристана!

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Heart of Stone

Stone heart

He was the One, once, she said.
Eleven years through good and bad.
As a flower, blossoming and fading.
Restless was his heart in the heavy day,
The girl he died for said: I'm leaving!

Oh, how bitter the taste it was,
From that day, she left with a rose.

Seconds were seasons, endless
The life was dark, gray and senseless
One who loved once was now gone
Nothing left there but a heart of stone
Every day and night- just the same doom!

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