Sunday, December 22, 2013


 My story, my world, my confession...

 Thick clouds, all shades of gray, weaved the sky into a net, sky that is so blue, so splendid. Wind isn’t moving the leaves, left on the branches. Inertness, apathy, vacuum. Time has stopped, all clocks have impeded their monotonous ticking. Even, no bird is flying nor a child’s voice illuminates this hopeless and empty horizon. Inside my soul, only, is a gladiatorial arena, monstrous tsunami, forest fire…

Thousands of voices, deep and shrill, hoarse and melodic, are interwoven into a choir. Higher, lower. Personalities are fighting to prevail over, masks are going out on the surface, all types of animals and beasts. And I? I don’t know whom I should listen to, what. What is the right way, what should I do, I am helpless? Oh, I am afraid, how afraid I am, afraid of the past, the present and the future. Is there anything worse than fear? I am afraid I am losing myself, every moment, every minute I feel the mire swallowing me with its huge and insatiable mouth. And if I lose myself what comes? Will I be alive though breathing, what will I possess in this world? Will there be warm sunbeams what will one blue, gentle, penetrating eyes will mean to me? A dagger is stabbing slightly but utterly while tearing my cells, tissues and arteries, I am bleeding to death… A smile  was replaced by a reverie, one dreamy eyes staring at where it all begins and ends at the same time, where we all come from and go back.

For the first time I regret, regret the things, I have done or I could have done. I also regret I haven’t done it so far. I don’t believe in myself, I don’t believe… longing for the past and I hate it, despise it at the same time. Loving strongly or hating  this way is not only a commonly used phrase, it’s a schizophrenia, a spiritual condition, a distortion,  a contrast. I love and hate the world, people, myself. I love and hate God I don’t even blame him, it’s like my internal battle has stopped in accordance with the whole inert atmosphere outside. I feel myself falling into a sweet dream, my eyes are closing. And when they open? No idea, no one knows I hope I’ll find out and tell you…

And what if I tell you? No one understands me, no one wants to, no one can… I hope to find a way, I don’t want the road to end, never. I regret the most I have never managed to meet her – Love. Pure, unconditional love, love like is beautiful as a blossoming cherry tree. Is God really Love? If you haven’t known Love, have you known God? Or God is just a power-loving and frowning old man or  just a grumpy and mischievous kid? Or just a myth, illusion, black hole?

Don’t get angry with me, don’t scold me, don’t cross me out, forgive me as I always do. I poured out my soul before you, took my heart out of my chest, I made my Confession – pure, innocent and mine. My own…

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Saturday, December 21, 2013


Едно стихотворение, продиктувано от приятелството, истината и това между тях...какво е то обаче?

Подай ми ръка

Как, как ли не успя?
Веднъж, ти, другарю мой
истината в очите мои не видя,
а само копнежът свой!

Истината, чиста и прекрасна, бяла
като летен слънчев лъч.
Не, жива е, не умряла,
живей, диша, просто я задръж.

Ах, колко ли безумни дни и нощи
скитах аз, питах и оскотявах.
Да задавам някои идеи и въпроси,
но, отговори никога не получавах.

Дали ще продължа така,
в тази глуха, сляпа вселена.
Или ще намеря смъртта и
тя ще разбере душата ми несподелена.

Червеите ли ще бъдат тези, които
ще проникнат дълбоко в мен,
в моята мисъл, сърце, дори
споменът ми за вчерашния ден!

Вик ли да изтръгна, дълбок, тръбен?
Или просто да затворя таз цепнатина
откъдето идва моя свят просторен,
ала иначе е грозна и черна пустота.

Виж, виж, приятелю в моите очи
но, прогледни, не гледай само ти.
Разбери и проникни в дълбините човешки
усмихни се, и бъди до мен во веки!

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