Friday, December 6, 2013

Hypocrisy – The Highest Virtue of The Modern World

Hypocrisy. A virtue?

We all live in this new digital and internet era. We all drink from the juice of pleasure, but we also know and feel every day the consequences and negatives of using internet for everything and anything. Here, in the text that follows, I will emphasize on one thing considered as a “virtue”. Hypocrisy…

 “Can you give me your Facebook”? “I want to chat with you on Skype”, how about Tweeter? “You have lovely pictures”! “Awesome”! “I will smash your face, idiot, f… your mother”! “How cute”! People said this many times. Over and over again…

Have you heard of this? I think we all have. It’s obvious that with and trough internet we broke a lot of barriers – state borders, distance, social inequalities, and etc. There is no doubt we can contact and have great moments with our families, friends, though we are separated by miles and miles distance. But what’s the price? You know, people: there is nothing for free.

The price “tag” is obvious for everyone. I won’t speak about all disadvantages but one. Hypocrisy – humanity has been fighting with it for thousands of years. It has always been despised, stigmatized and chastised. We all have read the stories about the honest and sincere prince or knight, or the kind and frank poor girl from the fairy tales. American movies depict the good guys as extremely honest and sincere and the “bad”guys just right  the opposite – they are liars and hypocritical.

So, I guess we all consider honesty as a virtue. But what is reality with this indirect communication? Dear, sweet, cookie are only a few of the keywords related to Hypocrisy. Empty treats and completely different behavior in internet show us that there is something wrong. It seems Hypocrisy has finally come out on the surface. And what is really strange: it’s considered as something cool and good, a virtue? They always tell us if you speak the truth you will have many problems – at work, at school, in society, so be quiet. Put the fake smile and you will be appreciated…

Don’t think I am against the internet and the social networks but I prefer people to stay more in reality, not to be so hypocritical all the time using the internet (it means HIDING). What can you do? Take your mom and go with her for a shopping, use Facebook to arrange a meeting with friends in the park, send private message to the girl you like and go outside for a romantic walk. You can do this, right?

Then you’ll suddenly realize Hypocrisy is something you don’t need…

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

This is commonly used idiomatic expression. We can bet that there are many, thousands like this in every language, every culture. In Bulgarian for instance we say “All bad is for good”. I don’t want to make a collection of different expressions of this but to put some examples of my own life and experience.

Why do we suffer when we have problems- personal, business, social and many others? We suffer because we are selfish and greedy, we look the others we always compare our “destiny” with the others. We suffer because it’s easier to think of other people “perfect “ lives. But the humanity still refuses to think, to use its mental capacity, to analyze. Thousands of years we have been wandering in the labyrinth called life. Thousands of years we have been “progressing”, going deeper and deeper into sciences and technologies. We have “great” educational system. But why education? It’s not learning, not studying either. It’s a system that misses the main life lessons. Why do we have this world and knowledge? Why, why, why?

If we just think a bit we can all realize  that everyone has had the same situation. A situation when you were broken, you were sad, you were crying because of problems and difficulties. We all have these moments. And why do we have them? Many people answer physics or mathematics questions but can answer this. The devil creates these moments? No, they just come because they are part of the balance, they are the biggest good we can expect from “destiny”. If we only had good moments what would life be? You couldn’t call it good, or interesting or adventurous. It’s just life. But bad moments, don’t they define the good? If we haven’t got criteria how could we be happy? Yes, it’s peculiar, but these are the facts! And every single bad moment teaches us something about life. I know you all have moments like this and always remember that every bad moment leads to something great!

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Monday, December 2, 2013

De nære ting

Written by my sister, Radostina Pedersen and dedicated to the small things in life.

Alle mennesker får det godt af at komme ud og shoppe, bruge penge på alle mulige lækre ting - fra sko, til telefoner, fjernsyn og hvad ved jeg mere. Jeg må indrømme at jeg er ikke så meget anderledes på det punkt. MEN når er jeg ked af det eller føler mig svigtet, alene osv. så er det ikke de ting der kan få smilen frem. Hvad er det så der kan det - DE NÆRE TING.
For ikke så længe siden måtte vi sige farvel til et menneske som sættede stor pris på de nære ting. Et smil, en hyggelig middag, en god tone, et kram… de ting sættede hun pris på, og en af de ting der betød mest for hende var at folk skulle behandle hinanden ordentligt. Vi kan allesammen lære meget af den gamle kvinde, hvis krop svigtede hende, selvom hun havde viljen til at leve og opleve hyggelige ting med sine nære. 
Alle mennesker har mister et eller andet, vi ved allesammen hvor svært det er at sige farvel til et sted, et menneske, et job, et land, en drøm … Men vi skal huske at tænke på hvad vi kan lære at alle de erfaringer og mennesker og hvordan vi kan ære dem.
Jeg vil ære min mands mormor ved at tænke positivt og være glad for de nære ting.
Jeg vil ære mit hjemland ved at være stolt af mit sprog og kultur, tænke på dem der kæmper for landet og ved at håbe i mit hjerte og sjæl at det vil blive bedre for dem og landet. 
Jeg vil ære min familie og venner som bor langt langt væk fra mig, ved at altid være der for dem når de vil snakke, græde eller grine. 
Jeg vil ære min morfar, farfar og onkel ved at aldrig glemme dem og det de har betydet for mig. 

Så husk nu at leve i nuet og nyde de nære ting… for livet er for kort!

Written by Radi Pedersen

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