strange, isn’t it… we hate the pain, deny it, we repulse it and yet, in moments
like this, it’s a welcomed visitor. It
makes you feel alive… if there isn’t pain, are you alive? It’s strange, my body
is lying lifeless out there, nowhere. My heartstrings aren’t stretched by the memories nor they make me
smile, nor cry, nor crawl in agony. I guess corpses in the morgue “feel” that
way – immaterial, lifeless, unexplainable.
My eyelids
are moving, life in terms of biology hasn’t left me yet, it’s still there.
I want to laugh, but I can’t not because my facial muscles are paralyzed, there
is no cable, no electricity connecting them and the head office, whatever it
is. The connection is broken, but it doesn’t make the situation better or
worse, it just doesn’t change. I fall into a condition of eternal, unchangeable
" The Sun is
mercilessly shining hot, the asphalt is vibrating on its knees for mercy and
forgiveness. Somewhere out there, in the shadow of a tree stands one young man.
Young, wild and filled with blood, which main component is Freedom, It’s not
blood but lava. He sees into the future, there’s no “back”, no past, no suffering , only a feeling of completeness and entirety.
His eyes are fixed into the future, into the sea, into the tropical vegetation,
into the open spaces which are so eternal and endless. He is breathing and with every breath he
takes, the frequency of his heart increases in synchrony with the crawling
excitement. I am looking for the reasons. Maybe he is in love, deep and pure
love, Debelyanov’s love* and it’s a mutual love. These eyes are the eyes of
dreamer in love! No, more likely he won the lotto, look at his childish
happiness and joy. No, his mother and father bought him a car and the young man
is feeling the future competition with the asphalt. No, it must be something
more complicated, maybe all the reasons together. Or, just because of only one
single reason: it’s Summer… he turns to me, a slight smile is cracking his face
in confirmation – “ Yes, it’s Summer” is the thought he sends. I am leaving, it’s
all fading away, the sun is setting in a gray shade of its pink-red magnificence."
memories, the memories, they are still there… the sun… the sea… the summer. They will
bring back life, they are Life, nothing else.
*D. Debelyanov - one of the best Bulgarian poets. Some people compare him with W. Shakespeare. He died fighting for Bulgaria during World War I.
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